MEDATS Study Day: Learning Through Reconstruction

Reconstructed sleeve detail.

Lancaster Hall Hotel 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL

Saturday 29 October 2022, 10am-5pm
In person event at Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL

We are pleased to announce that the following presentations will be part of our next Study Day. Early Bird prices for MEDATS members are available for registrations received by 16 September. Tickets include a light lunch, tea and coffee. Full paper abstracts and and speaker biographies are available here.

Ticket Prices:

Before 16 September:
Members £38
Non-Members £44

After 16 September:
Members £44
Non-Members £48

Register online now


Data, disciplines and dress: establishing reconstruction as a scholarly research method

Jane Malcolm-Davies, The Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen

Tactile engagement with embroidered museum artefacts: producing a tactile wall hanging with Braille

Claire Frampton, Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums

Putting Joseph Braun’s Theory of Mitre Development to the Test

Nancy Spies, Independent Scholar

The Case for a Frame: Building Silhouette with Padding and Quilting

Tasha D. Kelly, Independent Scholar

Reproducing the Littlest Holes in History – the reconstruction of c. 13th- to 14th-century silk mesh hairnets

Sue Lamberton, Independent Scholar

Clarifying and extending the typology of aiglets through a practical application of craft and experimental archeology

Gerald Livings, Independent Scholar

Recreating the circa 1450 hat of Anne Beauchamp

MEDATS 15th Century Hats Study Group