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Further discussions from a MEDATS Annual Conference paper given by Amica Sundström and Maria Neijman on 7th May 2022 .
In the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet) collections there are a number of medieval documents with associated seals. In order to protect the wax seal, these have been sewn into a textile wrapping, a seal bag. The bags are often in excellent condition since they have been sheltered from sunlight and pests such as moths, even though they are 700 years old. By studying these seal bags in the National Archives we can draw new conclusions about the idea of reusing, even very magnificent, gilt-leather embroideries as wrapping for seals on legal documents.
Amica Sundström is Curator of the Textile Collections at the Swedish History Museum. Maria Neijman is Head of Unit for the Cultural History Collections at the Statens Historiska Museer (SHM) (National Historical Museums of Sweden). Both have extensive experience in researching, promoting and teaching textile histories, and together they form Historical Textiles, their joint business, offering a variety of lectures and workshops on Medieval textile history and historical craft techniques.
Their website is at www.historicaltextiles.org
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