Almain rivet at St. Mary’s Church, Mendlesham, Suffolk. Photo: Richard Giffin
Ticket price: £5
A fundraising event for the Mendlesham Armoury Facelift Project with Ninya Mikhaila and Dr. Tobias Capwell
Online via Zoom Friday 11 October at 7 p.m. London (2 p.m. New York)
The event will begin with a short presentation by Dr. Tobias Capwell about the extraordinary collection of 16th century armour at St. Mary’s Church, Mendlesham, Suffolk and the plans for its restoration.
This will be followed by a presentation by Ninya Mikhaila who will share insights into the conventions of everyday dress and ownership of armour by men in 16th century England. The talk draws from the research carried out for The Typical Tudor: Reconstructing 16th century dress, which included a survey of nearly 10,000 documents containing references to clothing, arms and armour. Ninya will share insights from her study of original artefacts for a forthcoming publication on textile armour and will illustrate how clothing styles, colours and materials changed through the period, as well as the types and quantities of armour utilised by the different ‘sorts’ of men.
Dr. Capwell and Ninya Mikhaila will both be available at the end of the talk to answer any questions.
Tickets are £5 each and all proceeds will go to the Mendlesham Armoury Facelift Project. Buy tickets online now at TicketTailor. You can learn more about the project here.
You can also donate now by bank transfer to St Mary’s Mendlesham or to MEDATS PayPal account (which will transfer all donations to the Mendlesham Armoury Facelift Project).
Bank: CAF Bank (Charities Aid Foundation)
Account Name: Mendlesham PCC
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00021465
Reference: Armoury