Andy Serkis as King John
*Online via Zoom*
This members only event will be held online via Zoom. Members have received an invitation to register for the Zoom session via email, which was sent along with the latest MEDATS Newsletter and Minutes from the 2021 AGM. If you are already a member and have not received a link, please contact: programme@medats.org.uk.
To register for membership of MEDATS and get access to this event and more, please visit the membership page on this website: https://www.medats.org.uk/membership/
About the Event:
In July 2020 Ninya Mikhaila was commissioned by Hawkwood International to make a reconstruction of the set of clothes worn by King John in his effigy of c1240 at Worcester Cathedral. The garments form part of an exhibition in the USA on the Magna Carta, which opened on Friday 2nd July 2021 and runs through to January 2nd 2022 at the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC. They are worn by Andy Serkis, who plays King John for a series of short films, and are also displayed on a mannequin in the museum. Join Ninya for an informal session via Zoom where she will share her research and making process and chat about the experience of making 13th century style garments.