Detail of a tapestry in the Musei Vaticani of the Life of Christi. Workshop of Pieter van Aelst, Brussels 1524-1531, from cartoons by the school of Raphael.
Online via Zoom https://www.tickettailor.com/events/medievaldressandtextilesociety/1205978
Ticket price: Free for members, £15 non-members
Tables, like bodies, are often not considered “ready” until they are covered in fabric. The association between food and cloth is ancient and contemporary. Our next online conference will be held Sunday afternoon, 21 April 2024. Members can register for free using the code sent via email on 26 March.
Session 1, 2:00-3:45 UK (GMT+1)
Welcome by Ninya Mikhaila, Chair of MEDATS
2:15-3:00 Umbrian altar clothes
Dr Tina Anderlini
3:00-3:45 More than just stripes – medieval tablecloths in focus
Maria Neijman and Amica Sundström
3:45-4:15 Break for tea
Session 2, 4:15-6:00 UK (GMT+1)
4:15-5:00 “With all other naprye” table linens and their use in England from 1000 to 1600
Pat Poppy
5:00-5:45 “A verie good way to take out spottes”: modern experimentation with sixteenth-century textile stain cleaning recipes
Cassandra Chambers
5:45-6:00 Closing comments and announcements